
Primary entry point for the Button merchant library.


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An interface to receive callbacks each time the attribution token value has been updated.


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An interface through which user activities can be reported.
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Registers attribution token listener.
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open fun clearAllData(@NonNull context: Context)
Discards the current session and all persisted data.
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open fun configure(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull applicationId: String)
Configures ButtonMerchant with your application Id.
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open fun features(): Features
An interface through which library features can be enabled/disabled.
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The attributionToken from the last inbound Button attributed Intent.
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Checks to see if the user visited a url prior to installing your app.
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Unregisters attribution token listener.
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open fun reportEvent(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull name: String)

open fun reportEvent(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull name: String, @Nullable properties: Map<String, String>)
Reports an event and associated properties to Button
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open fun reportOrder(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull order: Order, @Nullable orderListener: OrderListener)
Reports an order to Button
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open fun trackIncomingIntent(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull intent: Intent)
Checks the passed Intent for a Button attribution and if present stores the token.