

Provides classes that support the Button Purchase Path integration flow.


BrowserInterface Interface containing methods that a publisher can use to customize the embedded browser experience. 
BrowserInterface.Footer Footer chrome for the embedded browser. 
BrowserInterface.Header Header chrome and title bar for the embedded browser. 
BrowserPage Object that contains content and information about the page the user is currently viewing. 
BrowserPage.DomResultListener Callback listener which is used to retrieve the current webpage's DOM  
CheckoutPage Object that contains content and information about a browser checkout page where the user is completing a purchase. 
ProductPage Object that contains Product and Commission information about the product page the user is currently viewing. 
PurchasePage Object that contains content and information about a browser page where the user has completed a purchase. 
PurchasePathExtension This interface allows you to create a Purchase Path extension for dynamic customization of the embedded browser user experience. 
PurchasePathInterface Button Purchase Path takes regular Merchant URLs to products, categories or just the homepage and replaces them with a fully attributed Button Purchase Path, optimized for both conversion and user experience. 
PurchasePathListener Purchase Path request callback interface invoked on completion. 


BrowserChromeClient Class to handle click callbacks on the browsers header and footer  
CallToAction Call to action for a Checkout Card. 
Card Base template class for checkout extension overlay cards. 
Commission Commission Object representing the commissionablity of a product  
Product Class representing a product  
PurchasePath Purchase Path response object that can be started to send the user to the partner application or embedded web view. 
PurchasePathRequest A Purchase Path request defines the parameters for a Purchase Path fetch. 
TextCard This is a concrete card class that can display a title and body text. 


Commission.CommissionType Enum Representing the values for "commissionType" in the commission object