BTNBrowserInterface Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in BTNBrowserInterfaceProtocol.h

– viewContainer required method

A transparent view on top of the In-App Checkout content view for containing arbitrary views.

- (UIView *)viewContainer

Return Value

A container view on top of the browser content view.


A transparent view on top of the In-App Checkout content view for containing arbitrary views.

If you wish to display additional custom content to your users, add your views as subviews to this container view. The container responds to chrome position changes and rotation.

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– cardList required method

An object belonging to the browser interface that maintains the list of cards currently in the card system.

- (id<BTNCardList>)cardList

Return Value

The interface to the card list object.


An object belonging to the browser interface that maintains the list of cards currently in the card system.

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– reloadCards required method

Reloads all cards from scratch and re-renders any visible cards.

- (void)reloadCards


Reloads all cards from scratch and re-renders any visible cards.

Call this method when you make changes to cards in the CardList.

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– showTopCard required method

Animates the top card in the card list into the browser view.

- (void)showTopCard


Animates the top card in the card list into the browser view.

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– hideTopCard required method

Animates the top card in the card list out of the browser view.

- (void)hideTopCard


Animates the top card in the card list out of the browser view.

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– canShowCards required method

Indicates whether or not cards can be shown.

- (BOOL)canShowCards

Return Value

YES if cards can be shown, NO otherwise.


Indicates whether or not cards can be shown.

Call this method before attempting a call to showTopCard or hideTopCard.

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– navigateToURL: required method

Navigates the browser to a new url.

- (void)navigateToURL:(NSURL *)url



The url to be loaded in the browser.


Navigates the browser to a new url.

Use this api to navigate the browser to a new url of the same domain. A url with a different domain should be opened by fetching and starting a new Purchase Path.

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